
Kianna Webber

Kiana Webber

Hometown: West Haven, CT

Major: Animation

Graduation Year:聽2025

Why did you choose 快猫成版视频?

I chose 快猫成版视频 because of the outstanding resumes of the professors working here. It made me more confident in my major knowing that the professors have a large amount of experience in the industry. In addition to that, the immense support and community that this school has to offer.聽

Why did you choose your present major?

Growing up, I was a fanatic for cartoons and animated features. As I grew up, I realized that there were not many characters that looked like me. In today's age, we have a couple of African American characters but none that stand out. I want to be able to create something that resonates with POC, including our own experiences. I want young black girls to look at their television screens and see a character that looks just like them.聽

Please briefly describe your Scholar's Day.聽

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to truly experience the full experience of Scholar's Day due to COVID-19 but even when it was virtual, it was phenomenal. The people there made me feel comfortable, eased my nerves about being interviewed, and talked to me like we were having a regular conversation. It didn't feel like an interview because of how comfortable it was!

Please describe your academic experience at Daemen.

快猫成版视频 is definitely a smaller school in population, but it is one of the reasons why I attended. I believe going to a smaller school gives me a more one-on-one relationship with my professors. They can help me with my weaknesses and cater their abilities to match each student's learning style. I don't feel like just another ID number, I feel like I matter here and my choices, decisions, and accomplishments don't go overlooked here!

What do you like best about Daemen?

The community here is unmatched. Being 8 hours away from home, it can be tough adjusting to college life so far away. But, Daemen holds countless activities on campus to give the students a place to hang out, make friends, and overall feel supported and loved. Daemen is a close-knit family and I think of Daemen as my second home!

What clubs or organizations have you been a part of here at 快猫成版视频? What kinds of things do they do?

I am the current President of Comics Club which is still a pretty fresh club on campus. The club gives me an outlet to work with other people and make connections all while having fun. In Comics Club, we give prompts for comics, play games, and make a large collaborative comic book under one topic. I hope the club continues to grow even after I've graduated!! I have also been a part of the Figure Drawing club, it is a lot of fun to have artistic freedom and stress-free drawing! We draw models provided by the school and we can stay for however long we want.

Please describe any internship, study abroad, service learning or academic experience?

I've been a part of the Animation Department's 24-hour Jam. The jam is essentially a period where individuals from any department come together and make a 45-second film in 24 hours. The professors are there all night and make sure to keep it fun and everyone up! I had a lot of fun and it was great for practicing the techniques I learned in my classes.

Do you have a job or jobs on campus? Please provide a brief description.

I currently work in Rosary Hall as a Tele Counselor. I call prospective students and inform them about opportunities to see what our school is all about. I probably called most of the people reading this right now haha!

What is your favorite spot to stop by in town?

It might be strange but I enjoy the 7/11 down the street of our school. During late nights, snacks from there always give me that extra energy.

What piece of advice would you give to prospective students?聽

SLOW DOWN. Take it easy. Don't push yourself to go the same pace that everyone else is going at, everyone has the race they are doing, including you. Everything will fall into place and be okay, and sometimes there will be times when it won't be okay and that's okay too. Learn to see what you can and can't control and enjoy the time you spend in college. Trust me, it'll fly right by. And most of all, Be Happy.