
Experts to Examine Russia’s Intervention in Syria and Refugee Crisis

Nov 9, 2015

Experts to Examine Russia’s Intervention in Syria and Refugee Crisis

Nov 9, 2015

AMHERST, N.Y. – Experts will address the ongoing Syrian civil war and the resulting refugee crisis in Europe and Russia’s intervention in the troubled nation in a roundtable discussion scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 16 in the Daemen College Wick Campus Center Alumni Lounge.

Panelists in the “Russia’s War on Terror” discussion will include Dr. Michael Slobodchikoff, assistant professor of political science at Troy University and series editor of Lexington Books’ Russian, Eurasion and Eastern European Book Series; and Dr. Tomasz Pudlocki, assistant professor of history at Jagellion University in Poland and a Fulbright Scholar at Daemen.

Slobodchikoff will focus on Russia’s involvement in Syria challenging U.S. hegemony, and Pudlocki will speak on the Syrian crisis from the perspective of Central-Eastern Europe.

Presented as part of the Daemen History and Politics Speaker Series, the discussion will be moderated by Dr. Aakriti Tandon and Dr. Jay Wendland, both assistant professors of political science at Daemen.

The event, which is being co-sponsored by the college’s Division of Arts and Sciences, is free and open to the public.